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Sunday, February 5, 2012


Rain in Thai we call "Fon"  

Today I am telling you how to say "Raining" in Thai. It calls "Fon Tok"

"Tok" in Thai means fall

It is raining when translate direct it is going to be "Fon Gam Lung Tok" but we just say
"Fon ToK" the meaning is still the same.

And, it is going to rain = "Fon Gam Lumg Ja Tok"

becareful ! it is similar with the top but different meaning.

How to say "it was raining yesterday?" 

Yesterday is Mue wan so  "it was raining yesterday is Mue wan Fon Tok or could say Fon Tok Mue wan also.

My Mister he knows "Fon Tok" just that but not anything I am telling you here.


  1. it rained here yesterday too and it did while I was planting daffodil bulbs.
